Gruesome New Kills

We are adding new kills for ALL Jasons! That’s right, all Jason’s currently in the game are getting new kills added. How many kills you ask? Stay tuned for more information. But here are some still images from our recent motion capture shoot with Kane Hodder, Ryan and Kiralee. Pretty sure they all needed some aspirin after these two grueling days.

Kane Stab.JPG

When capturing kills that require immense weapon strikes, Kane hits near the victim, but doesn’t make contact with them. When it’s time to animate the rig, we simply move the animations to line them up. Tada, instant pain train!

Ryan Falls.JPG

Some of our kills require the stunt actors to really earn their paycheck. In order to really “sell” the kill, our actors really throw themselves into the role. Now just imagine that’s Chad…yeah…feels good doesn’t?

Kiralee Can Fly.JPG

Anytime a lift is required, be it from Kane choke lifting or perhaps a weapon (or maybe something else) stabbing and lifting the victim into the air, we use wires. Wirework allows us to get the height and violent speed of Jason, without tiring our actors out. But trust us…Kane doesn’t need a wire to do most of this stuff. He’s a beast, and we love him.

Available: TBD